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The Story of Dove Mountain

The structure on Dove Mountain, South Carolina, was built by Pastor Mike Hill and his wife Sharon, mostly with their own hands It was intended originally to be a Christian counseling Center, where his wife Dr. Sharon Hill could provide counseling. They had previously built a structure in Perdido Key, Florida for the same purpose.

Mike was a multitalented individual. Besides being a pastor and a student and teacher of the Bible, he was also a skilled accountant, and could single-handedly build a house.


Mike was tragically taken from us, after he was injured while building a small home with his mother. His injuries were misdiagnosed, and for the half days later he died suddenly because of blood clots in his lungs.


His widow Sharon is carrying on with her counseling, but it is a struggle. There are two convenience style suites at Dove Mountain. A few people have stayed there in the past as guests, and have remarked very favorably about the peace, quiet and serenity that they found there. Dove Mountain is in a beautiful pastoral setting. It is Dr. Sharon's wish that more people experience this as guests.


To learn more about the Dove Mountain Christian Center, please click on the button below. The song that you here at the beginning was composed by Mike Hill, and is sung by him .

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